Finding a perfect cold press oil machine manufacturers in coimbatore is a challenge for all the new start-up company or small scale companies. Manufacturing the purest oil extract from nuts, seeds, fruits in modern terms is known as “Cold-press oil" Which is also called "Marachekku oil". We guarantee you the pure, natural extract. Our machines are the top-class ones among all the other machine manufacturers’ products.
Life without oil is very tough. In today's world, people have started consuming all high temperature treated oil. These processed and treated oil extracts lose all the rich vitamins and minerals, omega 3, omega 6, and other important digestion favorable organisms. The most important anti-oxidants are lost when passed through several chemicals while processing.
Purpose of the Machine:
Oil manufacturing machines are of two types
The refined and cold press oil machines differ from each other in
What do we do?
We have created a machine that gives an output of natural cold-press oil which is prepared below the minimum temperature(35°). Our product contains two parts of the machine. One is the motor which operates and consumes the lowest power. Our product has the below qualities
What does a manufacturing machine do?
Our team…
We hold a group of qualified professionals who dedicate their effort in manufacturing custom fabrication and customizing machinery. Our pieces of machinery have the capacity to produce the multi-rpm speed options which varies from 1 to 4.40% less power consumption with 8% more yield profit. Around 35 degrees or less temperature is used to treat the oil and prevents people from turning into diabetic, cardiac disease affected patients, etc. All the heat-treated oil is processed at or above 230 degrees and is not natural leading to health issues.
Our cold press oil machine manufacturers in coimbatore is trusted by worldwide clients for its quality and longevity that ensures proficient increase in the growth curve of the company for the year. We manufacture two different types of machine.
For a new business started a 3 kilo machine is more than sufficient. The bigger the investment the better the turn over is. The space occupied by 40 kilo and 3 kilo does not differ. The different types of operations available in the machines are
We trust our work which assures our client for the affordable cost, reduced electricity, best taste, bio-product production competes our competitors with grand reach among all the firms producing cold press oil machine manufacturers in coimbatore. The quantity and quality of our product has fetched the best reviews from the business entrepreneurs. Our focus on client satisfaction and 'no compromise' nature gives the original extract of "Marachekku oil" for our customers and their clients with 100 percent satisfaction. Choice is urs… choose based on your need…